Natural8 India EV Cashout

EV Cashout Feature

Bad Beat? Have no fear! With our EV Cashout feature, you’ll get paid even if you lose! Protect your winning hand with this feature on Natural8 India.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents


  • A brand new feature

  • Accept EV Cashout and get paid regardless of the results or decline to continue playing as usual

How It Works

If you find yourself going all-in on a hand, you can choose to protect yourself with EV Cashout!

EV Cashout is a brand new feature that will be offered to players with 60% or higher pot equity (after flop cards have been dealt and all live players have revealed their hole cards). You can then choose to either accept or decline this offer.

If you ACCEPT, the Cashout will be paid to you (regardless of the results of your hand) but the pot will be forfeited.

If you DECLINE, you continue to play for the pot as per usual gameplay.

Note: In a two-way all-in situation, the player who is behind at that moment of the hand (Eg: No pair but multiple draws with >60% equity) will only have the option to suggest RIMT and will not be able to choose EV Cashout

How to Calculate EV Cashout

EV Cashout is calculated as follows:

  • Cashout = [(Pot size - Rake - Jackpot Fee) x Equity] x 99%

  • Note that a 1% fee will be charged when you claim EV Cashout for all games, including VIP Games.

Cashout Scenarios

To help you decide whether to accept or decline your EV Cashout offer, let’s take a look at a few different scenarios! Do note that for simplicity purposes, these scenarios do not include the compulsory rake, jackpot fee, and 1% fee deductions.

Let’s say there is 100 in the pot, and both Alex and Ben have gone all-in. Their hole cards are revealed, and it shows that Alex has equity of 80%. He will be offered EV Cashout.

Scenario #1

Alex chooses to accept the EV Cashout offer and ends up losing his hand. He takes home 80 (based on the EV Cashout calculation above), while Ben will take home the 100 in the pot.

Scenario #2

Alex chooses to accept the EV Cashout offer and ends up winning the hand. He still only takes home 80, as accepting the EV Cashout offer means you forfeit the pot.

Scenario #3

Alex declines the EV Cashout offer and ends up winning the hand. He takes home the 100 in the pot.

Scenario #4

Alex declines the EV Cashout offer and ends up losing the hand. He goes home with absolutely nothing.

The Details

  • Highlight: Get paid, even when you lose!

  • When: You have 60% or higher pot equity

  • Where: Hold'em, PLO, PLO-5, Rush & Cash, and Short Deck cash games

  • You'll Love: The protection against bad beats

  • Perfect For: Cash Game players looking to play with more confidence

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Got questions? We answer some of the most common questions about online poker. Contact our 24/7 live support if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

When is the Cashout paid?

The cashout will be paid after the hand finishes.

I accepted the EV Cashout offer and also won the hand. Why did I not win the pot?

Once you accept the EV Cashout offer, you forfeit the pot as you are paid out regardless of whether or not you win the hand.

What happens if I do not accept the EV Cashout offer within the given timeframe?

The offer will be automatically declined.

What if there are multiple pots?

In this situation, EV Cashout will be offered upon combining all pots which you are eligible to win.

Is there a fee for EV Cashout?

Yes, a 1% fee of the cashed out amount is charged for all cash games (including VIP games) when you claim EV Cashout.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Players must be aged 18 and above to participate.
  2. Natural8 India reserves the right to investigate any players suspected of fraudulent activity, and take any necessary action. In the event of multi-accounting, bonus hunting, or foul play, Natural8 India reserves the right to forfeit any prize amounts that have been paid along with any remaining cash balances, without prior notice.
  3. Natural8 India reserves the right to cancel or modify this offer at any time without prior notice, and at its sole and absolute discretion.
  4. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the Natural8 India website.
  5. Natural8 India is an advocate of safer gaming. If you feel you might have a problem, do seek further advice or counselling. Please also refer to our Responsible Gaming page.

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