Note: This promotion is now over

Fish Buffet Cashback Rewards

Fish Buffet Cashback Rewards on Natural8 India

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Get Rewarded Playing Poker Games

Fish Buffet is a Rewards Programme to give back to our players. The more you play on Natural8 India, the more Fish Points (FP) you'll get! And the more Fish Points you collect, the more money we'll give you back!

Climb the ranks for up to 60% cashback

Cashback starts at an average of 15% and increases the more Fish Points you collect. At the highest rank, you can get an average of 60% cashback! We've also introduced options for players who prefer flat cashback.

Fish Buffet Ranks

There are 8 different levels, from lowest to highest: Plankton, Goldfish, Shrimp, Crab, Octopus, Whale, Platinum Shark and The Platinum.

Climb up the ranks by earning Fish Points (FP) and getting cashback!

Level Rank FPs to Earn (for each rank) Time Limit (for each rank) Prize Range (for each rank) Average Cashback %
ggplatinum icon GGPlatinum ggplatinum icon GGPlatinum 5,000,000 to maintain 365 days Flat Cashback Weekly Payout 60%
shark icon Shark shark platinum icon Platinum Shark 5,000,000 to climb 3,000,000 to maintain 365 days Flat Cashback Weekly Payout 55%
whale icon Whale whale platinum icon Platinum Whale 3,000,000 to climb 1,500,000 to maintain 365 days Flat Cashback Weekly Payout 50%
whale gold1 icon Gold 1 120,000 30 days Spin 120 ~ 1,200 49%
whale gold2 icon Gold 2 48%
whale gold3 icon Gold 3 47%
whale silver1 icon Silver 1 46%
whale silver2 icon Silver 2 45%
whale silver3 icon Silver 3 44%
whale bronze1 icon Bronze 1 43%
whale bronze2 icon Bronze 2 42%
whale bronze3 icon Bronze 3 41%
octopus icon Octopus octopus platinum icon Platinum Octopus 750,000 to maintain 365 days Flat Cashback Weekly Payout 35%
octopus gold icon Gold 60,000 30 days Spin 60 ~ 360 34%
octopus silver icon Silver 32%
octopus bronze icon Bronze 30%
crab icon Crab crab gold icon Gold 12,000 15 days Spin 12 ~ 60 28%
crab silver icon Silver 27%
crab bronze icon Bronze 26%
shrimp icon Shrimp shrimp gold icon Gold 6,000 15 days Spin 6 ~ 30 24%
shrimp silver icon Silver 23%
shrimp bronze icon Bronze 22%
goldfish icon Goldfish goldfish platinum icon Platinum Fish None Unlimited Flat Cashback Weekly Payout 20%
goldfish bronze icon Goldfish 1,500 7 days Spin 1.5 ~ 5 17%
plankton icon Plankton plankton bronze icon Starting Level 750 7 days Spin 0.75 ~ 2 15%

How It Works

Collect the required points within the time limit to rank up. Once done, you can spin the wheel and collect your reward in “My Fish Buffet” within the Natural8 India app.

Every time you unlock a rank, you can spin a wheel for a cash prize - rewards get better the higher your Fish Buffet rank!

fish buffet wheel spin

At the highest rank, you can spin the wheel for a chance to get up to 100% cashback! Check out the Reward Wheel Probabilities.

Unopened wheel spins will automatically be opened after 30 days and credited to your account.

If you fail to collect the required points within the time limit, you will receive a reward equivalent to 10% cashback of the expired FP amount. Your rank will be demoted to the previous rank.

You can always switch to a lower Platinum Rank to receive weekly flat cashback – more information on Platinum Ranks below!

Collecting Fish Points (FP)

Poker: On average, players will be rewarded 100 Fish Points for every 1 paid in rake and fees. This value may vary based on a variety of factors, such as but not limited to, game type or tournament played, player behaviour at tables, and deposit history.

Switch to Platinum Ranks for Fixed Cashback

Platinum Ranks allow players to receive rewards every week at a fixed rate; no more spins and time limits!

  • You will receive your rewards every Monday, for the points collected in the previous week

  • Click on the "Collect" button within the Platinum tab for your rewards to be credited to your wallet

  • Uncollected rewards will accumulate each week

Rank Rewards Average Cashback%
The Platinum 1 per 167FP 60%
Platinum Shark 1 per 182 FP 55%
Platinum Whale 1 per 200 FP 50%
Platinum Octopus 1 per 285 FP 35%
Platinum Fish 1 per 500 FP 20%

How do I switch to Platinum Rank?

You can switch to a Platinum Rank of a lower level/rank any time. Note that:

  • All Octopus, Crab and Shrimp can switch to Platinum Fish

  • All Whales can switch to Platinum Octopus

  • You need to clear Platinum Whale to become Platinum Shark, and clear Platinum Shark to become The Platinum.

  • Your one-year Platinum status starts the moment you switch to a Platinum Rank​

  • Points you currently possess will be carried over to your Platinum Rank

  • You will immediately receive random rewards for any wheels you have yet to spin

How do I maintain my Platinum Rank?

Your Platinum Rank status lasts for one year from the moment you switch, except for Platinum Fish (maintains its status for an unlimited time).

You must maintain a certain number of FPs in the year to remain in your Platinum Rank.

Platinum Rank Duration Required FPs to renew Required FPs for Promotion
The Platinum 1 year 5,000,000 -
Platinum Shark 1 year 3,000,000 5,000,000
Platinum Whale 1 year 1,500,000 3,000,000
Platinum Octopus 1 year 750,000 -
Platinum Fish Forever No requirement -

*If you do not collect the required points in one year, your rank will drop down to a lower Platinum Rank (e.g. Platinum Whale will drop down to Platinum Octopus).

Can I switch back to Fish Buffet after becoming a Platinum Rank?

Yes. You can always switch back to regular Fish Buffet to try for a higher level:

  • A Platinum Fish will start at Bronze Shrimp

  • A Platinum Octopus will start at Bronze Whale

  • You will receive Platinum rewards for the points you have collected up to the moment.

  • Any uncollected rewards will be credited to your wallet.

  • Your new rank will start with 0 FP.

  • You will NOT be able to switch back to Platinum Rank for a period of time equivalent to the time limit of the new Bronze rank. (e.g. If you switch from Platinum Octopus to Bronze Whale 3, you will not be able to return to Platinum Octopus for 30 days.)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Got questions? We answer some of the most common questions about online poker. Contact our 24/7 live support if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

How do I opt in for the Fish Buffet Cashback Program?

There is no opt-in required. You are automatically included in the Fish Buffet programme as soon as you sign up with Natural8 India.

Do I have to spin the wheel when the prompt appears?

No. You can choose to spin the wheel any time you like. You can access unopened wheel spins through "My Fish Buffet" in the Natural8 India app. Take note however that after 30 days, any unopened wheel spins will be automatically spun and the rewards credited into your account.

What happens if I don’t reach the next level in time?

If you do not collect enough FP within the given time limit, you will be demoted to the previous level. Your accumulated FP in the unfinished level will expire, and you will receive 10% cashback of that expired FP amount.

If I accumulate no Fish Points in a certain time frame, will I be removed from the promotion?

No, you will be demoted back to Plankton level but you will still be part of Fish Buffet, and can start earning Fish Points again any time you play.

What is a Platinum Rank?

Platinum Ranks are special levels in Fish Buffet that offer flat cashback. This means you'll get rewards at a fixed rate weekly for a year. No spins and time limits.

Will I receive a prompt when my active Fish Points are close to expiring?

Yes, you will receive a prompt in the app when you’re close to being demoted.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Players must meet the age requirement of 18 years or older to participate in this promotion.
  2. Fish Buffet is a permanent promotion.
  3. Participants are automatically enrolled in the Fish Buffet Loyalty Program promotion upon completing Natural8 India account registration.
  4. Participants must earn the required amount of Fish Points (FP) within a given time limit to unlock each level.
  5. Any remaining Fish Points after unlocking a level will be credited towards the next level.
  6. The default starting level is Plankton, with seven higher levels to achieve: Goldfish, Shrimp, Crab, Octopus, Whale, Platinum Shark and ThePlatinum.
  7. If a participant does not meet the Fish Point requirement within the time limit, they will be demoted to the previous level. Any Fish Points acquired will expire, and participants will receive 10% cashback of the expired Fish Points amount.
  8. Platinum Ranks are flat cashback levels: participants receive weekly rewards at a fixed rate for a year. Participants must click on the 'Collect' button within the Platinum tab for their rewards to be credited to their account. Uncollected rewards will accumulate each week.
  9. Participants who want to switch from Platinum Rank to a Fish Buffet level can do so, but will not be able to switch back to Platinum Rank for a certain period of time.
  10. The accumulation of Fish Points can be affected by your profile. Factors that may impact the results include, but are not limited to, playing behaviour, game type, gameplay style and net deposits.
  11. In tournaments with overlay, less Fish Points will be generated in correlation with the overlay amount.
  12. Natural8 India reserves the right to investigate any players suspected of fraudulent activity, and take any necessary action. In the event of multi-accounting, bonus hunting, or foul play, Natural8 India reserves the right to forfeit any prize amounts that have been paid along with any remaining cash balances, without prior notice.
  13. Natural8 India reserves the right to cancel or modify this offer at any time without prior notice, and at its sole and absolute discretion.
  14. This promotion is subject to the terms and conditions of the Natural8 India website.
  15. Natural8 India is an advocate of safer gaming. If you feel you might have a problem, do seek further advice or counselling. Please also refer to our Responsible Gaming page.

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